
Showing posts from August, 2022

How has Jesus called you?

YOUNG MAN: Well, how has Jesus called you? Let's talk about that.  OLD LADY: Well, honey, you see, he spoke. YOUNG MAN:  Oh, really? So, when did he speak to... you? OLD LADY:  Well, ya know, he's God. So, guess what? YOUNG MAN:  What? OLD LADY:  He's amazing! You see, when he spoke to me he also spoke to you... at the same time. YOUNG MAN:  What? What are you talking about? -- Oh! You mean the Bible. OLD LADY:  They wrote down what he did so we could follow his example, and they wrote down what he said to do so we could do it. Pretty simple, huh? YOUNG MAN:  Whatever. Now, answer my question. How has Jesus called YOU? OLD LADY:  Again (and for the last time), the same way that he called you. The only difference is always: will you do what he said, or just keep arguing with those who do? "[Accordingly] the disciples did as Jesus had directed them." (Matthew 26:19 AMP)