Is Christianity a White Man's Religion?
by Abel Prudhomme, Executive Director of the S.A.L.T.
(5 minute read)
Is Christianity a white man's religion?
Have you ever played that old game called Gossip where what you had to say began at one point in a circle of people and, by the time it got back around to the beginning, was all screwed up? That's what you have here.
Leave it to mankind to mess up the great gift given by God. Of course, it began with people God selected because he's got a right to do so. Jesus was a Jew, and died at the hands of other Jews, not because they were Jews but because they were men.
Later, very much later, the Gospel fell into the hands of white people. They screwed it up just like every single people on the face of the earth eventually have and will do. Thank God that he intervenes from time to time in periods of historically chronicled Revivals.
The bottom line is, that racism is a problem within the roots of man's fallen heart, not his Maker's. As God does not create war but instead man creates it, likewise, God does not create systemic racism or any other horrendous sin propagated by that mixed multitude known as the sons of Eve.
Now, back to looking at the right place.
Lift up your eyes, no matter what skin surrounds them. Look up to the Cross and be amazed, and be blessed. See and know Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World. Look away from your excuses. Look away from looking away, and from looking at others.
He came in the form of mankind. He showed and told us how to live. He gave up his own personal well-being to take upon himself all of our horrendous sins. He allowed himself to endure the worst of all torture in order to pay for all of our sins. He destroyed those sins in death and left them in the grave. He then rose in victory, three days later, from that grave. He now offers you freedom and power over sin, if you will only end your prejudice against God.
Satan, the Devil, made a fool out of your mother, Eve, in the Garden, as he introduced a foolish question, "Hath God said...?" Will you too be so easily diverted?
"Is Christianity a white man's religion?" is not the question. "Is Christ yours?" is; or more simply, and biblically, and accurately stated,
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." (Acts 16:31)
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